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Power Gem - Vibrating Petite Crystal Probe

by: California Exotic

The Power Gem Vibrating Petite Crystal Probe is a dazzling flexible silicone probe created to ease you into thrilling anal pleasure The plia.

Power Gem - Vibrating Petite Crystal Probe is available from our platinum partners!

The Power Gem Vibrating Petite Crystal Probe is a dazzling, flexible silicone probe created to ease you into thrilling anal pleasure. The pliable, ergonomic design and powerful vibe motors allow this probe to flex with your movements while delivering intense vibrations. Indulge in personalised pleasure while the sleek probe pulsates with 10 vivacious vibration, passionate pulsation and erotic escalation. Control this variety of orgasmic options with the easy-touch gemstone button.

To ensure everything the exhilarating world of anal play has to offer, we have created a gently tapered probe for the ultimate in comfort and stimulation. The flexible shape and flanged base allows for easy insertion and removal, while the intense motor make you shudder with pleasure.

Whether you're taking a dip with a lover or indulging in a steamy solo session, look forward to up to 2 hours of waterproof vibration. Recharge pleasure and get back to playtime in only 2 hours with the provided USB cable.

Product Features:
  • 10 Vibration patterns
  • Flanged base
  • Easy-touch gemstone button
  • Waterproof
  • USB Rechargeable
  • 2 Hour run time
  • Measurements: 3.75" x 2" / 9.5cm x 5cm (Overall) 2.75" x 1.25" / 7cm x 3.25cm (Probe)

Please Note: Warranties, packaging, or exact information given in videos may no longer applicable to the product.
The Power Gem Vibrating Crystal Probe is a dazzling, flexible silicone probe created to ease you into thrilling anal pleasure. The pliable, ergonomic design and powerful vibe motors allow this probe to flex with your movements while delivering intense vibrations. Indulge in personalized pleasure while the sleek probe pulsates with 10 vivacious vibration, passionate pulsation and erotic escalation. Control this variety of orgasmic options with the easy-touch gemstone button.

To ensure everything the exhilarating world of anal play has to offer, we have created a gently tapered probe for the ultimate in comfort and stimulation. The flexible shape and flanged base allows for easy insertion and removal, while the intense motor make you shudder with pleasure.


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The Power Gem Vibrating Crystal Probe is a dazzling, flexible silicone probe created to ease you into thrilling …
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Power Gem Vibrating Petite Crystal Probe Purple from California Exotic Novelties. Materials Silicone, ABS Plastic. Power source USB Rechargeable, included. Features Phthalate free, waterproof, rechargeable, vibrates. 10 intense functions. Travel lock. Gem accents. Easy to use. 1 year warranty. 

Maximum run time 120 minutes. Maximum charging time 120 minutes. Measurements overall 3.75 inches by 2.75 inches. Probe 3.25 inches by 1.25 inches. Bulk weight 2.2 ounces. Package 5.4 ounces. Package 2 inches by 4.75 inches by 8.5 inches.
Who says a butt plug can't be glamorous?! Certainly not us, and definitely not CalExotics. Aside from ten powerfully pleasurable modes of deep, rumbly vibration, a super-silky silicone surface and fully waterproof construction, the Power Gem Petite also features a gorgeous sparkly gem embedded through the base. Glamour up the wazoo, as they say!

Sliding smoothly into your or your lucky partners derriere, the Power Gem Petite is just the thing for beginer and novice anal players. Silky-sleek at the tip and manageably filling below, this unique plug provides a sexy stretch along with plenty of anal sweet spot stimulation. 

Featuring 10 modes of steady, pulsating and escalating bliss, the Power Gem's vibration cues up with a press of the gem, which also moonlights as a slip-free safety feature. Hit it to activate the motor, the keep pressing to cycle through the vibration options.

Conveniently USB rechargeable, the Power Gem Petite charges using the included cord.

In velvety silicone, the Power Gem Petite is hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. Before and after enjoyment, rinse well with warm soapy water or a good toy care fluid/foam. You will, of course, be using lots of lube with the Gem (and any anal toy), so please pick out a favorite water based variety. To keep the Gem's silicone surface at it's best, please keep it away from silicone based lubricants and other silicone toys.
When you catch a glimpse of a sparkly crystal gem peeping from the base of this petite silicone plug OR from between your playmate's cheeks, hopefully your first thought (after 'sexy!') is 'classy!' because that's exactly what it is. Classy and classic, the Petite Power Gem offers up a beloved tapered shape sized perfectly for anal beginners,10 incredible vibration patterns and that glittery, glistening gem at the base. A little 'ooh la la' for your butt!

Sliding smoothly into your or your lucky partners derriere, the Petite Power Gem is sleek at the tip and thrillingly filling below, providing a subtle sexy stretch along with plenty of anal sweet spot stimulation. Placed right in the tip, the Petite Power Gem's rip-roaring sends 10 modes of deep, throbbing stimulation along the entire shape. Cue up vibration using the sparkly gem, and keep pressing to cycle through 10 modes of steady, pulsating and escalating bliss.

Like any good butt toy, the Petite Power Gem features a big widespread flare at the base to prevent any too-deep slips. You'll be able to play worry free, and also insert, remove and adjust the plug comfortably. 

Conveniently UBS rechargeable, the Petite Power Gem charges up via an included cord and any free USB port. 2 hours of charge time will run the motor for up to 2 hours (depending on power level used). 

The Petite Power Gem comes to you in the safest, most hygienic material available - pure silicone. Completely hypoallergenic, non-reactive and safe for sensitive skin, this vibe is also extra easy to clean using warm soapy water or a good toy care fluid/foam. The Gem is compatible with any favorite water-based lube, but please avoid contact with silicone lubes and other silicone toys/products. Waterproof.
The Power Gem Vibrating Petite Crystal Probe is a dazzling, flexible silicone probe created to ease you into thrilling anal pleasure. The pliable, ergonomic design and powerful vibe motors allow this probe to flex with your movements while delivering intense vibrations. Indulge in personalized pleasure while the sleek probe pulsates with 10 vivacious vibration, passionate pulsation and erotic escalation. Control this variety of orgasmic options with the easy-touch gemstone button.

To ensure everything the exhilarating world of anal play has to offer, we have created a gently tapered probe for the ultimate in comfort and stimulation. The flexible shape and flanged base allows for easy insertion and removal, while the intense motor make you shudder with pleasure.
  • 100% Safe & Easy to Clean
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  • Latex Free
  • MFG Warranty
  • Multi-Speed
  • Multi-Vibration
  • Phthalate Free
  • Rechargeable
  • Silicone
  • Vibrating
Silicone / ABS Plastic
Power Source:
USB Rechargable
4.25 inches
1.25 inches
Power Source:
USB Rechargeable
Hawttt Product ID:
Butt Plugs
Anal Sex Toys
Sex Toys
Extended Information

Playing with anal toys doesn't have to look boring you can spice it up a bit with Power Gem - Vibrating Crystal Probe available in 2 sizes. Vibrating Crystal Probe is smooth with a tapered tip and a flared base for comfort and safety. The tapered tip assist with easy insertion, just add water based lubricant for the best experience. The crystal on the base of the probe is where the control is, it no only looks good but it's functional as well. Imagine having this shinny crystal popping out between your cheeks. 2 Sizes Available - Petite is a nice and sweet 5cm insertable length with the widest part at only 3cm. The next level up the black is 6cm insertable and 4cm in width. Pick the right one that suits your needs. 10 Vibration Levels providing you with thrilling vibes all the way through your body. Click on the crystal to your level of pleasures. Smooth Silicone Material as you deserve the best. USB Rechargeable to make sure you really receive the power all the way through. Waterproof makes it easy to clean and playing with water is a treat. Power Gem - Vibrating Crystal Probe is a firm attractive butt plug with a little bling to brighten up your day. Vibrating Crystal Probe 2 Sizes Available 10 Vibration Levels Smooth Silicone Material USB Rechargeable Waterproof

Power Gem Vibrating Petite Crystal Probe Purple from California Exotic Novelties. Materials Silicone, ABS Plastic. Power source USB Rechargeable, included. Features Phthalate free, waterproof, rechargeable, vibrates. 10 intense functions. Travel lock. Gem accents. Easy to use. 1 year warranty.

The Power Gem® Vibrating Petite Crystal Probe is a dazzling, flexible silicone probe created to ease you into thrilling anal pleasure. The pliable, ergonomic design and powerful vibe motors allow this probe to flex with your movements while delivering intense vibrations. Indulge in personalized pleasure while the sleek probe pulsates with 10 vivacious vibration, passionate pulsation and erotic escalation. Control this variety of orgasmic options with the easy-touch gemstone button. To ensure everything the exhilarating world of anal play has to offer, we have created a gently tapered probe for the ultimate in comfort and stimulation. The flexible shape and flanged base allows for easy insertion and removal, while the intense motor make you shudder with pleasure. Whether you're taking a dip with a lover or indulging in a steamy solo session, look forward to up to 2 hours of

The Power Gem Vibrating Petite Crystal Probe is a dazzling, flexible silicone probe created to ease you into thrilling anal pleasure. The pliable, ergonomic design and powerful vibe motors allow this probe to flex with your movements while delivering intense vibrations. Indulge in personalized pleasure while the sleek probe pulsates with 10 vivacious vibration, passionate pulsation and erotic escalation. Control this variety of orgasmic options with the easy-touch gemstone button. To ensure everything the exhilarating world of anal play has to offer, we have created a gently tapered probe for the ultimate in comfort and stimulation. The flexible shape and flanged base allows for easy insertion and removal, while the intense motor make you shudder with pleasure. Whether you're taking a dip with a lover or indulging in a steamy solo session, look forward to up to 2 hours of waterproof vibration. Recharge pleasure and get back to playtime in only 2 hours with the provided USB cable.

Who says a butt plug can't be glamorous?! Certainly not us, and definitely not CalExotics. Aside from ten powerfully pleasurable modes of deep, rumbly vibration, a super-silky silicone surface and fully waterproof construction, the Power Gem Petite also features a gorgeous sparkly gem embedded through the base. Glamour up the wazoo, as they say!Sliding smoothly into your or your lucky partners derriere, the Power Gem Petite is just the thing for beginer and novice anal players. Silky-sleek at the tip and manageably filling below, this unique plug provides a sexy stretch along with plenty of anal sweet spot stimulation. Featuring 10 modes of steady, pulsating and escalating bliss, the Power Gem's vibration cues up with a press of the gem, which also moonlights as a slip-free safety feature. Hit it to activate the motor, the keep pressing to cycle through the vibration options.Conveniently USB rechargeable, the Power Gem Petite charges using the included cord.In velvety silicone, the Power Gem Petite is hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. Before and after enjoyment, rinse well with warm soapy water or a good toy care fluid/foam. You will, of course, be using lots of lube with the Gem (and any anal toy), so please pick out a favorite water based variety. To keep the Gem's silicone surface at it's best, please keep it away from silicone based lubricants and other silicone toys.

Who says a butt plug can't be glamorous?! Certainly not us, and definitely not CalExotics. Aside from ten powerfully pleasurable modes of deep, rumbly vibration, a super-silky silicone surface and fully waterproof construction, the Power Gem Petite also features a gorgeous sparkly gem embedded through the base. Glamour up the wazoo, as they say!Sliding smoothly into your or your lucky partners derriere, the Power Gem Petite is just the thing for beginer and novice anal players. Silky-sleek at the tip and manageably filling below, this unique plug provides a sexy stretch along with plenty of anal sweet spot stimulation. Featuring 10 modes of steady, pulsating and escalating bliss, the Power Gem's vibration cues up with a press of the gem, which also moonlights as a slip-free safety feature. Hit it to activate the motor, the keep pressing to cycle through the vibration options.Conveniently USB rechargeable, the Power Gem Petite charges using the included cord.In velvety silicone, the Power Gem Petite is hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. Before and after enjoyment, rinse well with warm soapy water or a good toy care fluid/foam. You will, of course, be using lots of lube with the Gem (and any anal toy), so please pick out a favorite water based variety. To keep the Gem's silicone surface at it's best, please keep it away from silicone based lubricants and other silicone toys.

When you catch a glimpse of a sparkly crystal gem peeping from the base of this petite silicone plug OR from between your playmate's cheeks, hopefully your first thought (after 'sexy!') is 'classy!' because that's exactly what it is. Classy and classic, the Petite Power Gem offers up a beloved tapered shape sized perfectly for anal beginners,10 incredible vibration patterns and that glittery, glistening gem at the base. A little 'ooh la la' for your butt!Sliding smoothly into your or your lucky partners derriere, the Petite Power Gem is sleek at the tip and thrillingly filling below, providing a subtle sexy stretch along with plenty of anal sweet spot stimulation. Placed right in the tip, the Petite Power Gem's rip-roaring sends 10 modes of deep, throbbing stimulation along the entire shape. Cue up vibration using the sparkly gem, and keep pressing to cycle through 10 modes of steady, pulsating and escalating bliss.Like any good butt toy, the Petite Power Gem features a big widespread flare at the base to prevent any too-deep slips. You'll be able to play worry free, and also insert, remove and adjust the plug comfortably. Conveniently UBS rechargeable, the Petite Power Gem charges up via an included cord and any free USB port. 2 hours of charge time will run the motor for up to 2 hours (depending on power level used). The Petite Power Gem comes to you in the safest, most hygienic material available - pure silicone. Completely hypoallergenic, non-reactive and safe for sensitive skin, this vibe is also extra easy to clean using warm soapy water or a good toy care fluid/foam. The Gem is compatible with any favorite water-based lube, but please avoid contact with silicone lubes and other silicone toys/products. Waterproof.


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