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From the largest porn site on the internet, Pornhub has launched a fantastic range of insatiable products for you to enjoy while you love yourself, or each other…..
All your fantasies will come alive with the Pornhub Double Penetration Pussy & Ass Stroker, giving you the best of both in one product!
This super soft, stretchy, realistic stroker is packed with incredible ridged sensations! The super soft chamber features a real feel, ribbed for a spectacular and insatiable experience!
The black easy grip exterior of the Pornhub Double Penetration Pussy & Ass Stroker helps you stay in complete control as you enjoy either end of this insatiable stroker!
Apply your favourite water-based lube, penetrate firmly and feel how the Pornhub Double Penetration Pussy & Ass Stroker engulfs your entire length, pleasing and teasing you each time you stroke!
Once you're done, clean-up is a simple using warm, soapy water and one of our Anti-bacterial sprays.
- Cleaning:
- No alcohol or ammonia-based toy cleansers
- Length:
- 22 cm (full length)
- Lubricant:
- Water-based
- Material:
- Warranty:
- 30 days
- Width:
- 8 cm
- Hawttt Product ID:
- 42159
- Category:
- Pornhub