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Remote Dual Motor Kegel System

Working out has never felt so good! Give your kegel muscles the workout they deserve with the CalExotics Remote Dual Motor Kegel System. With twin motors and...

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Primed and ready for your next pelvic floor workout, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel System is here to intensify your exercise routine. The all-women product development team of CalExotics has done it again by designing a double kegel vibrator as comfortable as it is thrilling with 12 intense vibration functions, dual motors and 32.5 feet of remote controller range.

Whenever or wherever passion takes you, the kegel exercisers 32.5-foot radius range and 12 intense functions of vibration are ready for playtime. While the easy button controls the intensity and the kegel weight gives you the stimulation you want, the integrated state of the art memory chip remembers just how you like it by starting on the last function used.

Recharge the premium silicone massager in 50 minutes with the provided USB charging cable to enjoy 70 minutes of vibrations. The dual-action retrieval cord also acts as an easy-push single button control with a travel lock feature. The self-sealing charging port and virtually seamless body let you get steamy in and out of water with this waterproof weight. The hypoallergenic premium silicone is body safe, unscented and phthalate free to keep you most sensitive spots, happy and healthy.

SKU SE-0077-43-3


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Primed and ready for your next pelvic floor workout, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel System is here to intensify your exercise routine. The all-women product development team of CalExotics has done it again by designing a double kegel vibrator as comfortable as it is thrilling with 12 intense vibration functions, dual motors, and 32.5 feet of remote controller range.

Whenever or wherever passion takes you, the kegel exercisers' 32.5-foot radius range and 12 intense functions of vibration are ready for playtime. While the easy button controls the intensity and the kegel weight gives you the stimulation you want, the integrated state-of-the-art memory chip remembers just how you like it by starting on the last function used.

Recharge the premium silicone massager in 50 minutes with the provided USB charging cable to enjoy 70 minutes of vibrations. The dual-action retrieval cord also acts as an easy-push single-button control with a travel lock feature. The self-sealing charging port and virtually seamless body let you get steamy in and out of the water with this waterproof weight. The hypoallergenic premium silicone is body-safe, unscented, and phthalate-free to keep your most sensitive spots happy, and healthy.

Charge/ Run Times:
Complete Charge in 50 Minutes
Runs for 45 Minutes on High Speed
Runs for 70 Minutes on Low Speed
Note: Product Will Automatically Turn Off After 30 Minutes of Inactivity

Remote Dual Motor Waterproof Rechargeable Kegel System By CalExotics

Primed and ready for your next pelvic floor workout, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel System is here to intensify your exercise routine. The all-women product development team of CalExotics has done it again by designing a double kegel vibrator as comfortable as it is thrilling with 12 intense vibration functions, dual motors and 32.5 feet of remote controller range.

Whenever or wherever passion takes you, the kegel exercisers 32.5-foot radius range and 12 intense functions of vibration are ready for playtime. While the easy button controls the intensity and the kegel weight gives you the stimulation you want, the integrated state of the art memory chip remembers just how you like it by starting on the last function used.

Recharge the premium silicone massager in 50 minutes with the provided USB charging cable to enjoy 70 minutes of vibrations. The dual-action retrieval cord also acts as an easy-push single button control with a travel lock feature. The self-sealing charging port and virtually seamless body let you get steamy in and out of water with this waterproof weight. The hypoallergenic premium silicone is body safe, unscented and phthalate free to keep you most sensitive spots, happy and healthy.

  • Remote control and rechargeable - use alone or with a partner
  • Dual motors with 12 intense functions of vibration, pulsation and escalation
  • Waterproof Kegel exerciser may be used independently of remote
  • Easy retrieval cord
  • State-of-the-art memory chip resumes on last function used
  • Instructions included
  • Easy push-button control
  • Extended 32.75’/10 m range
  • RED certificate included
  • USB rechargeable (stimulator and remote) – dual charging cord included
  • Complete charge in 50 minutes
  • Runs for 45 minutes on high speed and 70 minutes on low speed
  • Measurements: 4.5" x 1.25" / 11.5 cm x 3.25 cm (Stimulator)
  • Materials: Silicone, ABS Plastic / Polyurethane Cote

A word on USB charging: Many pleasure items manufactured today (including this one) are charged utilizing USB technology. In short, if you don't have an AC adapter, you'll need to plug this pleasure toy into a USB port on your computer (Mac or PC) to charge it. To make life a bit easier is offering a USB to AC Power Charging Adapter as an alternative charging method. With this adapter you'll be able to plug this pleasure toy into any standard home outlet. Select the option above to add a USB to AC Charging Adapter to your order.

El sistema Kegel remoto de motor dual Calexotics está preparado y listo para su próximo entrenamiento del piso pélvico, el sistema Kegel remoto de motor dual está aquí para intensificar su rutina de ejercicios. El equipo de desarrollo de productos de Calexotics, exclusivamente femenino, lo ha vuelto a hacer al diseñar un vibrador Kegel doble tan cómodo como emocionante con 12 funciones de vibración intensa, motores duales y un alcance de control remoto de 32,5 pies.

  • 12 vibraciones intensas
  • Radio de 32,5 pies
  • Potente motor
  • Fácil de controlar
  • Se puede usar sin control remoto
  • USB recargable
  • silicona suave
  • Ajuste cómodo
  • Fácil inserción
  • Impermeable

Cuando o donde sea que te lleve la pasión, los ejercitadores Kegel con un radio de 32.5 pies y 12 intensas funciones de vibración están listos para jugar. Mientras que el botón fácil controla la intensidad y el peso de Kegel le brinda la estimulación que desea, el chip de memoria integrado de última generación recuerda cómo le gusta al comenzar con la última función utilizada. Recarga el masajeador de silicona premium en 50 minutos con el cable de carga USB incluido para disfrutar de 70 minutos de vibraciones. El cable de recuperación de doble acción también actúa como un control de un solo botón de fácil pulsación con función de bloqueo para viajes. El puerto de carga autosellante y el cuerpo prácticamente sin costuras te permiten entrar y salir del agua con este peso resistente al agua. La silicona premium hipoalergénica es segura para el cuerpo, no tiene perfume y no contiene ftalatos para mantener los puntos más sensibles, felices y saludables.

4,5" x 1,25" / 11,5 cm x 3,25 cm (estimulador)

Just in case you needed yet another reason to adore the amazing sexual wellness potential and deeply pleasurable effects of a great pair of kegel balls, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel steps up with a sexy tapered shape, manageable weightiness and a long range remote.

Aside from the very enjoyable stimulation benefits of pelvic floor strengthening, regular practice with kegel weights can help to stimulate muscle response and improve toning. After childbirth, with age and due to a handful of other life-related factors, the pelvic floor can weaken, causing incontinence issues, lowered sensitivity and possibly even less intense orgasms. Any good kegel exerciser can help reverse any of these, but the Remote Dual doubles down (literally) with 12 incredible vibration modes and a manageable yet effective weight (2.2oz/62.4g).

Its smooth twin shape penetrating easily, the Dual sits comfortably in the vaginal canal. Depending on muscle tone, you may need to flex to hold it in place. Twelve rhythms of steady, pulsating and escalating vibration rumbling through each ball can be cued up on the included sleek 32.75'/10m) remote or using a push button on the tail of the Dual. 

Both the Dual and the remote are rechargeable via USB. An included double charge cord will power up each. A full 50 minute charge will run the motor for up to 45 continuous minutes.

In silky smooth body safe silicone, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel System cleans easily using warm soapy water or a good toy care fluid/foam. Compatible with any good water based lube, please avoid contact with silicone lubes and products. Waterproof.
  • 100% Safe & Easy to Clean
  • California Exotics: We've Got Your Kink!
  • Find the Perfect Gift for Him or Her
  • Massive Selection of Novelty Sex Toys
  • Toys and Gifts to Suit Any Budget
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Multi-Function
  • Multi-Speed
  • Non-Phallic
  • Phthalate Free
  • Rechargeable
  • Smooth Surface
  • Temperature Sensitive
  • Waterproof
Not required: This is a rechargeable product
No alcohol or ammonia-based toy cleansers
10.25cm insertable, 25cm
ABS Plastic, Silicone
12 months
Silicone, ABS Plastic / Polyurethane Cote
Body Safe:
Phthalate-free - Non-porous
Care & Cleaning:
Clean with soap and water using a lint-free cloth. Optionally, use gentle antibacterial soap or toy cleaner. We recommend water-based lubricants.
Warranty Information:
USB Rechargeable
Power Source:
USB Rechargeable
Volume - Buzz:
2 out of 4
Strength - Intensity:
3 out of 4
4.5" x 1.25" / 11.5 cm x 3.25 cm (Stimulator)
Approximate Length - Insertable:
4.5 inches
Approximate Width - Widest Point:
1.25 inches
ABS Plastic, Silicone
Power Source:
Silicone / ABS Plastic / Polyurethane Cote
Power Source:
USB Rechargable
4.5 inches
1.25 inches
Hawttt Product ID:
Pleasure Toys
Ben Wa Balls
Sex Toys
For Her Toys
Jouets Kegel
Extended Information

Primed and ready for your next pelvic floor workout, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel System is here to intensify your exercise routine. The all-women product development team of CalExotics has done it again by designing a double kegel vibrator as comfortable as it is thrilling with 12 intense vibration functions, dual motors, and 32.5 feet of remote controller range. Whenever or wherever passion takes you, the kegel exercisers' 32.5-foot radius range and 12 intense functions of vibration are ready for playtime. While the easy button controls the intensity and the kegel weight gives you the stimulation you want, the integrated state-of-the-art memory chip remembers just how you like it by starting on the last function used. Recharge the premium silicone massager in 50 minutes with the provided USB charging cable to enjoy 70 minutes of vibrations. The dual-action retrieval cord also acts as an easy-push single-button control with a travel lock feature. The self-sealing charging port and virtually seamless body let you get steamy in and out of the water with this waterproof weight. The hypoallergenic premium silicone is body-safe, unscented, and phthalate-free to keep your most sensitive spots happy, and healthy. Charge/ Run Times: Complete Charge in 50 Minutes Runs for 45 Minutes on High Speed Runs for 70 Minutes on Low Speed Note: Product Will Automatically Turn Off After 30 Minutes of Inactivity

Primed and ready for your next pelvic floor workout, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel System is here to intensify your exercise routine. The all-women product development team of CalExotics has done it again by designing a double kegel vibrator as comfortable as it is thrilling with 12 intense vibration functions, dual motors and 32.5 feet of remote controller range. Whenever or wherever passion takes you, the kegel exercisers 32.5-foot radius range and 12 intense functions of vibration are ready for playtime. While the easy button controls the intensity and the kegel weight gives you the stimulation you want, the integrated state of the art memory chip remembers just how you like it by starting on the last function used. Recharge the premium silicone massager in 50 minutes with the provided USB charging cable to enjoy 70 minutes of vibrations. The

Primed and ready for your next pelvic floor workout, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel System is here to intensify your exercise routine. The all-women product development team of CalExotics has done it again by designing a double kegel vibrator as comfortable as it is thrilling with 12 intense vibration functions, dual motors and 32.5 feet of remote controller range.

El sistema Kegel remoto de motor dual Calexotics está preparado y listo para su próximo entrenamiento del piso pélvico, el sistema Kegel remoto de motor dual está aquí para intensificar su rutina de ejercicios. El equipo de desarrollo de productos de Calexotics, exclusivamente femenino, lo ha vuelto a hacer al diseñar un vibrador Kegel doble tan cómodo como emocionante con 12 funciones de vibración intensa, motores duales y un alcance de control remoto de 32,5 pies.

12 vibraciones intensas

Radio de 32,5 pies

Potente motor

Fácil de controlar

Se puede usar sin control remoto

USB recargable

silicona suave

Ajuste cómodo

Fácil inserción


Cuando o donde sea que te lleve la pasión, los ejercitadores Kegel con un radio de 32.5 pies y 12 intensas funciones de vibración están listos para jugar. Mientras que el botón fácil controla la intensidad y el peso de Kegel le brinda la estimulación que desea, el chip de memoria integrado de última generación recuerda cómo le gusta al comenzar con la última función utilizada. Recarga el masajeador de silicona premium en 50 minutos con el cable de carga USB incluido para disfrutar de 70 minutos de vibraciones. El cable de recuperación de doble acción también actúa como un control de un solo botón de fácil pulsación con función de bloqueo para viajes. El puerto de carga autosellante y el cuerpo prácticamente sin costuras te permiten entrar y salir del agua con este peso resistente al agua. La silicona premium hipoalergénica es segura para el cuerpo, no tiene perfume y no contiene ftalatos para mantener los puntos más sensibles, felices y saludables. Mediciones 4,5" x 1,25" / 11,5 cm x 3,25 cm (estimulador)

Primed and ready for your next pelvic floor workout, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel System is here to intensify your exercise routine. The all-women product development team of CalExotics has done it again by designing a double kegel vibrator as comfortable as it is thrilling with 12 intense vibration functions, dual motors and 32.5 feet of remote controller range. Whenever or wherever passion takes you, the kegel exercisers 32.5-foot radius range and 12 intense functions of vibration are ready for playtime. While the easy button controls the intensity and the kegel weight gives you the stimulation you want, the integrated state of the art memory chip remembers just how you like it by starting on the last function used. Recharge the premium silicone massager in 50 minutes with the provided USB charging cable to enjoy 70 minutes of vibrations. The dual-action retrieval cord also acts as an easy-push single-button control with a travel lock feature. The self-sealing charging port and virtually seamless body let you get steamy in and out of the water with this waterproof weight. The hypoallergenic premium silicone is body safe, unscented and phthalate free to keep your most sensitive spots happy, and healthy. Features & Benefits: Easy to Use Push-Button Control with LED Light 12 Functions of Intense Vibration, Pulsation, and Escalation Dual Motor Kegel Exerciser with Easy Retrieval Cord Hygienically Superior Silicone Compact and Discreet Remote Memory Chip Resumes on Last Function Used Stimulator May Be Used Independently of Remote Use Alone or with a Partner Instructions Included Waterproof Stimulator May Be Used In or Out of the Water Charge/ Run Times: Complete Charge in 50 Minutes Runs for 45 Minutes on High Speed Runs for 70 Minutes on Low Speed Note: Product Will Automatically Turn Off After 30 Minutes of Inactivity

Just in case you needed yet another reason to adore the amazing sexual wellness potential and deeply pleasurable effects of a great pair of kegel balls, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel steps up with a sexy tapered shape, manageable weightiness and a long range remote.Aside from the very enjoyable stimulation benefits of pelvic floor strengthening, regular practice with kegel weights can help to stimulate muscle response and improve toning. After childbirth, with age and due to a handful of other life-related factors, the pelvic floor can weaken, causing incontinence issues, lowered sensitivity and possibly even less intense orgasms. Any good kegel exerciser can help reverse any of these, but the Remote Dual doubles down (literally) with 12 incredible vibration modes and a manageable yet effective weight (2.2oz/62.4g).Its smooth twin shape penetrating easily, the Dual sits comfortably in the vaginal canal. Depending on muscle tone, you may need to flex to hold it in place. Twelve rhythms of steady, pulsating and escalating vibration rumbling through each ball can be cued up on the included sleek 32.75'/10m) remote or using a push button on the tail of the Dual. Both the Dual and the remote are rechargeable via USB. An included double charge cord will power up each. A full 50 minute charge will run the motor for up to 45 continuous minutes.In silky smooth body safe silicone, the Remote Dual Motor Kegel System cleans easily using warm soapy water or a good toy care fluid/foam. Compatible with any good water based lube, please avoid contact with silicone lubes and products. Waterproof.

Primed and ready for your next pelvic floor workout, the

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