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Glow-in-the-dark Oral Sex Dice

Have fun frolicking in the dark! Roll the Pink Dice for oral foreplay and select your own body part or action when you roll a wild. Roll both wilds and you...

Glow-in-the-dark Oral Sex Dice is available from our platinum partners!

Have fun frolicking in the dark! Roll the Pink Dice for oral foreplay and select your own body part or action when you roll a wild. Roll both wilds and you win, and get to roll the green oral sex die. Then you decide which one of you assumes each position on the die roll.

Graphics are non-gender-specific, so ANY couple can play.

In English, Spanish, French and German.

Includes: 3 Glow-in-the-Dark Dice
Pay only $20 with coupon code WELCOME

Have fun frolicking in the dark! These non-gender specific glow in the dark dice are the perfect addition to a romantic night in.

Roll the Pink Dice for oral foreplay and select your own body part or action when you roll a wild, roll both wilds and you win and get to roll the green dice.

  • Set of three dice
  • Glow in the dark
Feeling a little orally fixated today? Are you in the mood for a game of (very!) sexy chance? Kheper Games' Glow In The Dark Oral Sex Dice will make absolutely, positively sure that regardless of who rolls or what turns up, everyone gets lucky!

To start, you'll take turns rolling the two pink dice and following the illustrations. One will show an action and the other, a body part. Keep playing until someone rolls two wild cards - then, that person will give the yellow die a spin to see what position you'll be indulging in.

Put your own spin on the dice combo you're dealt, or follow it to the letter, it's all up to you!
30 days
Hawttt Product ID:
Sex Games
Jeux de sexe
Jeux Kheper
Sensual Love
Extended Information

Have fun frolicking in the dark! Roll the Pink Dice for oral foreplay and select your own body part or action when you roll a wild. Roll both wilds and you win, and get to roll the green oral sex die. Then you decide which one of you assumes each position on the die roll. Glow in the dark Oral sex dice Adventures for any couple

Pay only $19 with coupon code WELCOME

Have fun frolicking in the dark! These non-gender specific glow in the dark dice are the perfect addition to a romantic night in.

uGlowInTheDark Oral Sex DiceubrbrHave fun frolicking in the dark Roll the Pink Dice for oral foreplay and select your own body part or actio.

Feeling a little orally fixated today? Are you in the mood for a game of (very!) sexy chance? Kheper Games' Glow In The Dark Oral Sex Dice will make absolutely, positively sure that regardless of who rolls or what turns up, everyone gets lucky!To start, you'll take turns rolling the two pink dice and following the illustrations. One will show an action and the other, a body part. Keep playing until someone rolls two wild cards - then, that person will give the yellow die a spin to see what position you'll be indulging in.Put your own spin on the dice combo you're dealt, or follow it to the letter, it's all up to you!

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