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Eclipse Tapered Roller Ball Probe

by: California Exotic

The EclipseT Tapered Roller Ball Probe is here to thrill even the most experienced backdoor lover with a powerful rolling tip, ribbed shaft and 12 intense...

Eclipse Tapered Roller Ball Probe is available from a platinum partner!


The EclipseT Tapered Roller Ball Probe is here to thrill even the most experienced backdoor lover with a powerful rolling tip, ribbed shaft and 12 intense vibration functions. Choose the intensity of your pleasure and dive deep into orgasmic internal stimulation with powerful roller stimulation.

The bulbous G-spot tip delivers precise back and forth rolling motions that redefine passion. Indulge personalised pleasure while the sleek probe pulsates with 12 vivacious vibration, passionate pulsation and erotic escalation. Control this variety of orgasmic options with the easy-touch button.

Whether you're taking a dip with a lover or indulging in a steamy solo session, look forward to up to 85 minutes of waterproof vibration. Recharge pleasure and get back to playtime in only 90 minutes with the provided USB cable. The high-tech memory chip allows the massager to know just what you like by picking up on the last function used.

Materials: Silicone, ABS Plastic / Metallic Plating
Power Source: USB Rechargeable (Included)
Max Run Time: 85 minutes
Max Charging Time: 90 minutes
Measurements: 10.25cm x 10.25cm (Overall), 7.5cm x 2.5cm (Probe)

The Eclipse Tapered Roller Ball Probe is here to thrill even the most experienced backdoor lover with a powerful rolling tip, ribbed shaft and 12 intense vibration functions. . Choose the intensity of your pleasure and dive deep into orgasmic internal stimulation with powerful roller stimulation.

The bulbous G-spot tip delivers precise back and forth rolling motions that redefine passion. Indulge personalized pleasure while the sleek probe pulsates with 12 vivacious vibration, passionate pulsation and erotic escalation. Control this variety of orgasmic options with the easy-touch button

Whether you re taking a dip with a lover or indulging in a steamy solo session, look forward to up to 85 minutes of waterproof vibration. Recharge pleasure and get back to playtime in only 90 minutes with the provided USB cable. The high-tech memory chip allows the massager to know just what you like by picking up on the last function used

SKU SE-0383-50-3


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Metallic Plating / Silicone / ABS Plastic
Black / Grey
Power Source:
USB Rechargable
4 inches
Power Source:
USB Rechargeable
Hawttt Product ID:
Sex Toys
Anal Probes
Extended Information

The Eclipse Tapered Roller Ball Probe is here to thrill even the most experienced backdoor lover with a powerful rolling tip, ribbed shaft and 12 intense vibration functions. Choose the intensity of your pleasure and dive deep into orgasmic internal stimulation with powerful roller stimulation.

The bulbous G-spot tip delivers precise back and forth rolling motions that redefine passion. Indulge personalized pleasure while the sleek probe pulsates with 12 vivacious vibration, passionate pulsation and erotic escalation. Control this variety of orgasmic options with the easy-touch button

Whether you’re taking a dip with a lover or indulging in a steamy solo session, look forward to up to 85 minutes of waterproof vibration. Recharge pleasure and get back to playtime in only 90 minutes with the provided USB cable. The high-tech memory chip allows the massager to know just what you like by picking up on the last function used.

The Eclipse™ Tapered Roller Ball Probe is here to thrill even the most experienced backdoor lover with a powerful rolling tip, ribbed shaft and 12 intense vibration functions. . Choose the intensity of your pleasure and dive deep into orgasmic internal stimulation with powerful roller stimulation. The bulbous G-spot tip delivers precise back and forth rolling motions that redefine passion. Indulge personalized pleasure while the sleek probe pulsates with 12 vivacious vibration, passionate pulsation and erotic escalation. Control this variety of orgasmic options with the easy-touch button. Whether you’re taking a dip with a lover or indulging in a steamy solo session, look forward to up to 85 minutes of waterproof vibration. Recharge pleasure and get back to playtime in only 90 minutes with the provided USB cable. The high-tech memory chip allows the massager to know just what you

The Eclipse Tapered Roller Ball Probe is here to thrill even the most experienced backdoor lover with a powerful rolling tip, ribbed shaft and 12 intense vibration functions. . Choose the intensity of your pleasure and dive deep into orgasmic internal stimulation with powerful roller stimulation. The bulbous G-spot tip delivers precise back and forth rolling motions that redefine passion. Indulge personalized pleasure while the sleek probe pulsates with 12 vivacious vibration, passionate pulsation and erotic escalation. Control this variety of orgasmic options with the easy-touch button. Whether youre taking a dip with a lover or indulging in a steamy solo session, look forward to up to 85 minutes of waterproof vibration. Recharge pleasure and get back to playtime in only 90 minutes with the provided USB cable. The high-tech memory chip allows the massager to know just what you like by picking up on the last function used.

The Eclipse Tapered Roller Ball Probe is here to thrill even the most experienced backdoor lover with a powerful rolling tip, ribbed shaft and 12 intense vibration functions.

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